This week we worked with BASF and LanzaTech to update the community on BASFs efforts focused on sustainability. LanzaTech was also part of an announcement in Japan to make rubber from rubber and we announced a $3.5M investment in our client, North American Wave Engine Corporation (“Wave Engine Corp.”), a leading innovator in the development of next-gen high-performance propulsion systems and aerial vehicles.

North American Wave Engine Corporation - Jet propulsion-focused Wave Engine lands $3.5M round alongside new Baltimore facility


Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra: BASF prezinta solutii inovatoare la conferinta anuala BASF Research
AgroPages: Small but powerful - microorganisms contribute to greater sustainability at BASF
Business Review: Microorganisms contribute to greater sustainability at BASF
C&EN: BASF is going deeper into industrial biotech
Coatings World: BASF Research Press Conference 2022 on Microorganisms for Greater Sustainability
Indian Chemical News: Microorganisms contribute to greater sustainability at BASF BASF jetzt auch in grün: Wie der Konzern nachhaltig werden will


Asahi Shimbun: 住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結 | 朝日新聞デジタルマガジン&[and]

Business Next Media: 世足賽9國戰袍出自這家台廠!adidas、NIKE都青睞,如何做到「踢整場也不破」?|數位時代 BusinessNext

CNET Japan: 住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結 从“减塑”到“替塑”:铝瓶能否成就饮料包装的新未来?|界面新闻 · JMedia
Kyodo News PR Wire Japan: 住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結
Ming Pao Daily News (Canada): 華人來加旅遊近期難增 高通脹及疫情反覆 旅業冀望明春復蘇
NEWS Collect(ニュースコレクト): 住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結|ニュースコレクト
NewsPicks: 住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結

The Mainichi Shimbun: プレスリリース:住友理工とLanzaTech、ゴム・樹脂・ウレタン廃棄物の再利用に関する共同開発契約を締結(共同通信PRワイヤー) | 毎日新聞

Earthshot Prize

Axios: Illinois company makes finals of Prince William's climate contest


HBW Insight: Coty’s First Refillable Fragrance Among 2022 Sustainability Highlights
Sustainable Brands: Bridgestone Wins $35M USDA Climate-Smart Grant to Further Advance Guayule Natural Rubber Production

McKinsey & Company: COP27 On Demand | McKinsey Sustainability | Sustainability | McKinsey & Company
The Innovator: How An Energy Company And A Scale-Up Could Accelerate Green BioFuels And BioChemicals
The Innovator news: How An Energy Company And A Scale-Up Could Accelerate Green BioFuels And BioChemicals


Taiwan News: Taiwanese textile giant behind FIFA jerseys made from recycled marine debris

Daniel Cherrin

DANIEL CHERRIN |served the City of Detroit as its Communications Director and the Press Secretary to Detroit Mayor, Ken Cockrel, Jr. He is a public relations + affairs specialist who just happens to be a lawyer, with 20 years of experience providing senior public relations and government relations’ counsel to organizations on state and federal regulatory and legislative matters, as well as issues affecting corporate and individual reputation, crisis management and the media. Daniel is the founder of NORTH COAST STRATEGIES (Est. 2005) an independent public relations consultancy that combines the best of a big agency with hands-on executive-level experience and support. As a signatory company to the United Nations Global Compact, we are dedicated to addressing issues around human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We are also focused on redefining your brand and changing the conversation to create an impact.