How will we take care of the nation's mental health?

How will we take care of the nation's mental health?

Behavioral Health is top-of-mind for many people today. I currently lead a collaborative of community mental health providers in Wayne County, Michigan, and another group of Substance Use Disorder Providers also in Wayne County. I prepared this memo for them outlining the mental health and SUD priorities for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) and for President-Elect Biden, hoping we can be a part of the conversation. The information was found on the President-elect’s transition website and from conversations with people at the MDHHS.

The Next Health Care Crisis: Michigan’s Safety net at risk of collapsing

The Next Health Care Crisis: Michigan’s Safety net at risk of collapsing

There is another health care crisis in America exacerbated by COVID-19. While doctors work to keep our emergency rooms clear, neglecting community-based mental health and other community-based social services will cause a further strain on hospitals that will soon be at capacity if they too do not get relief soon from the state.