

   As we prepare for a new year, we are happy to see our clients appear on reporters’ roundups of stories that made a difference this year and stories they will be watching for next year. Here is a  conversation  with  The Wall Street Journa

As we prepare for a new year, we are happy to see our clients appear on reporters’ roundups of stories that made a difference this year and stories they will be watching for next year. Here is a conversation with The Wall Street Journal's Podcast with Amrith Ramkumar talking about LanzaTech. You can find this story about LanzaTech in Greenbiz on the circularity stories they will follow. Here are some other stories from the past few weeks, and we look forward to sharing more in 2023. Happy New Year!

Media Coverage from this Past Week

Media Coverage from this Past Week

Despite the holiday weekend, it was a busy week for our clients. Executives from LanzaTech and LanzaJet participated in a (virtual) roundtable discussion on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) at The White House, where President Joe Biden announced his Administration's plans to reduce aviation emissions by 20% by 2030. Both LanzaTech and LanzaJet received funding from the US Department of Energy to domestically produce SAF at their plant in Soperton, GA. This week and on behalf of Fermata Energy, we announced a new partnership with electric-mobility company Revel and clean energy developer NineDot Energy to install Fermata Energy Energy V2X systems to begin powering Revel’s Superhub in Brooklyn. We also worked to let local media in Detroit know about a special art exhibition at The Scarab Club made by artists with developmental disabilities through STEPs PASC. It is part of Detroit City of Design and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). And we worked to inform the community about next week’s Common Ground Birmingham Street Art Fair where there will be an art auction benefiting Common Ground’s mission helping people move from crisis to hope.